Tuesday 2nd of July 2024

The Best Online Business to Try in 2024, Not Just Content Creators or Youtubers

The Best Online Business to Try in 2024, Not Just Content Creators or Youtubers


  1. Youtube Content Creator

YouTube is a great way to share your knowledge and make money. By creating videos in a niche you know well, you can attract views and start earning money through YouTube. You can also earn money by showing ads for businesses or promoting products as an affiliate. If you have your own products, you can sell them to your YouTube audience. It takes time to grow your channel, but it can be worth it.

Tips for starting effectively:

  • Choose your niche: Pick something you love and know a lot about.
  • Plan your content: Create a content strategy and plan out the types of videos you want to create.
  • Get good equipment: You don’t need the best equipment, but a decent camera, microphone, and lighting can make your videos look and sound better.
  • Engage with your audience: Respond to comments, ask for feedback, and encourage viewer interaction.
  1. SEO Consultant

SEO is a popular way to market your business online. If you know how to get websites to rank well on Google and how to turn searchers into customers, you can help businesses make money. Even a few positions higher on Google can make a big difference to website traffic. You can make a big impact on a business’s success, making SEO consulting a popular online business opportunity.

Tips for starting effectively:

  • Learn the basics: Learn about search engine algorithms, keyword research, on-page optimization, link building, and analytics.
  • Stay informed: Keep up to date with industry trends, algorithm changes and best practices through SEO blogs, webinars and forums.
  • Network and collaborate with other SEO professionals, attend conferences and join online communities.
  1. Influencer

An influencer is someone who gets others to buy products or services by promoting them on social media. To succeed, you need to engage your followers and build trust. This makes them more likely to buy your products.

Gaining popularity in a niche attracts businesses that want to reach your audience. Companies may pay you to promote their products or services to your followers.

Tips for starting effectively:

  • Develop your brand: Define your unique identity and voice that resonates with your target audience.
  • Grow your social media presence: Build a strong presence on relevant platforms by consistently sharing quality content.
  • Collaborate with brands and influencers: Seek partnerships that align with your values and expand your reach.
  • Provide valuable content: Educate, entertain, and inspire your audience with valuable insights and experiences.
  1. Podcasting

If you don’t like online courses or blogging, why not try podcasting? Podcasts are popular and you can make one about any topic you’re passionate about. You can entertain or teach people with your knowledge and even make money from sponsors, advertisers, or selling your own products.

All you need is the right audio equipment and a quiet place to record. Then you can upload your episodes to podcast apps and promote your online businesses on social media. Once you have enough listeners, you can sell ads and make money. Give podcasting a shot and reach more people who love listening to audio content.

Tips for starting effectively:

  • Create engaging episodes: Prepare discussions, interviews, or storytelling that keep them coming back for more. Be authentic and let your personality shine through.
  • Be consistent: Release episodes regularly and stick to it. Consistency helps build audience trust and keeps them engaged. Try to keep up a regular schedule.
  • Promote your podcast on social media, your website, and other channels. Make eye-catching graphics, share episode snippets, and engage with your audience.
  • Invite experts, influencers, or other relevant individuals as guests on your podcast. This can attract new listeners and give you new ideas.
  1. E-Commerce business

The most popular internet business is selling your goods. Online entrepreneurs sell what they make online. They can be inventors, artists, fashion designers, jewellers, carpenters or chefs. The challenge is creating something unique. Once you have that, you just need time, a website and basic knowledge of shipping. A good website is important for your e-commerce business. You can make your products special by customising them for a specific niche. For example, you could sell homemade banana lockets with monkeys inside.

Tips for starting effectively:

  • The first way to start an e-commerce business is to create a small store on a broad e-commerce platform, such as Amazon. Each market has different clients, and it can take time to learn how to compete. Amazon is a big online marketplace with lots of items and brands. This makes it hard for new businesses to compete.
  • The second option is to set up your online store. With this method, you can build your website however you like and run your business more efficiently.